“For A Standard of Excellence”
Est. 1979 home of our versatile family of Champion rough and smooth collies. Owned by the Yarbrough family.
38 Years of Experience. A Lifetime Of Breeding, Raising and Caring For Champions.
- Young Adults
- Puppies
- Show Prospects
- Obedience Prospects
- Agility Prospects Available Occasionally
Call us to discuss how you can become a forever home for one of our collies. We do not breed or sell dogs for profit rather we do selective breedings to improve on the breed so there are only a select few adults or puppies available occasionally.
- Ch. Infinite Justice
- Ch. Timely Justice
- Near Ch. Simply Classical
- Near Ch.Brightest Star
- Ch. Steppin Out
- Morning romp
- Lots Of Fun!
- Rebel’s With Prejudice
- Ch. Infinite Justice 11 yrs. +
- Champion Rebel’s Timely Justice
- Christmas Morning
- Chulla
- Rebel’s Justa A Dude
- Matthew and Spot
- Winning Colors
- Justa Dude
Champion Rebel’s Infinite Justice (Pic. at 11 years and 3 months winning a major to Finish) “He is a credit to the breed and his breeder.” John B.